Seven Things You Didn’t Know About the Rapture

With the reboot of the “Left Behind” movie (2014) starring Nicholas Cage, which itself is based on the wildly successful Left Behind book series – but the not-so-wildly-successful “Left Behind” movies based on the books starring former teen idol Kirk Cameron – there has been much recent buzz about the Rapture. In talking with others…

When Bible Studies Go Bad

The longer I’m around the more convinced I am that Bible studies are not always a good thing for the Body of Christ. Before you fall out of your chair at that statement, let me clarify. First, I did not say that all the Bible studies are bad. We should study the Bible, and study…

How I Lost 50+ Pounds

I have been asked “How did you lose weight?” so many times in person and via messages, I thought I might share what I’ve learned. Hopefully my story will help those who are wanting to lose weight themselves. First, let me say that I was the least likely person to lose weight, especially 50 pounds!…

I Was Calvinist (When Calvinism Wasn’t Cool)

Among younger Christians and church planters it seems the theological philosophy known as Calvinism is all the rage. Many current popular pastors and authors are unashamed Calvinists: David Platt, Matt Chandler, Francis Chan, and J.D. Greear, to name but a few. Then, there are the old stand-byes who’ve greatly influenced today’s generation: Piper, Sproul, and…

What Happens to Babies Who Die?

What happens to babies who die? This is a question I’ve been asked often over the years. It’s a question I’ve wrestled with out of a desire to minister faithfully to those who’ve lost a child, and when trying to make sense of my own personal grief after my wife miscarried. Let me be clear:…